13A Plug to 32A Coupler Pro Adaptor Cable
- 13A to 32A Coupler
- 2.5mm H07
Adapter Cable to plug in a 32 amp device from a 13 amp domestic supply
Please note, you will not be able to run the 32A device at full power, as the supply is resticted to 13A only, the 13A plug has a 13A fuse inside.
- 13A Tough Plug by Permaplug
- 32A 230v Socket by Mennekes 3 Pin in Blue, IP44 6h.
- 1m of Cable 2.5mm H07 RNF normally by Titanex
- Ideal for connecting your 32A cable to 13A supply.
These have been popular for motorhomes, yachts, catering carts and entertaiment venues. An example would be to power up a motorhome, knowing you only have 13A available, and keep the AC and hot water systems turned off, which use the bulk of the power.
Do call our tech team if you need help with Volts / Amps /Watts and are uncertain of what will work
Note: Can be made other lengths please call 01752 817140 for options.